Web-page developing -


Client: Hunt.lv is a website for hunters, designed to attract and inform hunting enthusiasts about new hunting opportunities, events and offers.

Task: To create a dynamic website that showcases the range of services offered by Hunt.lv and provides an interactive experience for its users. The main task was to create an intuitive website where hunters could apply for the hunts they were interested in.

Idea: Since Hunt.lv is all about outdoor adventure, we created a dynamic website full of natural energy that reflects the passionate and exciting essence of the client and its audience.

Solution: Our solution included interactive elements that gave users the feeling of being part of something bigger. The dynamic graphic design with strong and vibrant colours creates a pleasant and emotional experience for users. The user-friendly navigation helps them find all the information they need quickly and easily.

Approximate development time: Spring 2023.

One word to describe the overall feeling: Unforgettable.

Unique design
Wordpress CMS
HTML 5 & CSS 3
Mobilo ierīču atbalsts
Multilanguage support