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Website development – design and programming, marketing

Website development nowadays is no longer limited to publishing on the internet few texts and pictures. Creating a website that not only looks good, but also attracts attention and, therefore, customers is a time-consuming process that requires not only time resources, but also specific knowledge of both coding and promoting the ready webpage in search engines.

Currently, the term “home page” has an extended meaning – it can be a business card of a company, an online store, a blog, a space for product advertising. The most important thing is that it serves its intended purpose. We offer a full range of website development services – planning, responsive design, HTML / CSS programming, content management system (CMS) installation and content entry. We create both standardized pages that help the visitor navigate in a familiar environment, and non-standard interactive solutions.


We will help you to create a logical structure of the website, so that the users can find the necessary information easily and intuitively.


While designing the website we consider the brand, specifics of the product and the target users. While the concept “design” manifests visually in the layout, colours and fonts, it also includes user interaction and a balanced composition of the website elements, attracting the attention of the user to the most important activities and information.


Website responsivity to a screen of any size is a must nowadays. We will evaluate the content and target users of the website to choose the most appropriate type of website.

Responsive website

This type of website allows changes in size and placement of any element on the website to accomodate the given screen space. This is the most popular solution because it is universal across all devices and does not require to change the content or link of the website. If your users are diverse and might want to view the website on the go, this is a great solution.

Adaptive website

If you are aware what devices are the most popular among your visitors, you might want to create different versions of the website tailored for each device. For example, if the website will be mainly accessed on an iPad, it is possible to integrate characteristic interface and interaction elements in the website, thus making it feel more app-like and friendly to users. The website can adapt to a number of device types, each time presenting a different interface.

Mobile page version

If you would like to offer specific content and functionality to the users of mobile devices, it is possible to create a separate website version that is tailored for smartphone Internet browsers. This option is often used, for example, by news portals and banks, in order not to bother the user with too much information on the screen of the device, only showing the most important details.


Gorgeous design and well thought out website layout does not always mean the key of success. It is necessary to provide a proper loading speed of the website by optimising the page content and choosing a proper hosting service.


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) plays a big role in the success of a website. Search engines (like Google, Yandex, Yahoo) evaluate the contents and usability of the website and gives it a score which determines the placement in search results between similar websites. The most important factor in a website in this case is the content, which has to be coherent and comprehensive to the user. We provide basic SEO services – correct structure of the website and convenient interface in mobile devices. We will also choose an appropriate CMS (content management system) so that you can add properly structured content.


“Websites are functional, powerful and accessible. We are those who break them.” / Barry T. Smith / Sometimes it is hard to resign from all the opportunities provided by new technologies but it is worth to consider if it is really necessary for the user. Often simplicity , asceticism and well – known principles lead to better results than a visually stunning, yet confusing design. We will help to understand the functional design principles that have survived and refined in the 20+ years of website design.

We take these steps when developing a website:


We will arrange a meeting with you to agree on the headline of the website, target user groups, desired visual form and technical solutions.


After analysing this information we will present you our offer and vision for development of the website.


We will create the sitemap, which shows the structure of the website.


We will then draw a rough layout sketch of the website to recognize the best UX (User Experience) solutions and consequently – the design details.


Time for design! We will draw website sketches that are iterated and polished based on your feedback.


After approval of the design sketches we develop a HTML / CSS / JS page version. At this phase you will see how exactly the website looks like on a computer / smartphone screen, as well as the interactivity of it.


When we have come to a result you are satisfied with, the programmer starts working on the “insides” of the website. We can program websites of varying difficulty – simple WordPress websites and custom-made CMS or non-standard projects.


After testing and setting up the website on a hosting server, we teach you how to use page content management system and offer page maintenance services.